Vabljeni na brezplačni dogodek: Iz prve roke: Vstop na azijski trg

Posted by poslovniangel
On 10 junija, 2021

V petek, 18. junija 2021, ob 9 uri CET, klub Poslovni angeli Slovenije, skupaj s partnerji Aimakers in HoSmart organiziramo dogodek: Iz prve roke: Vstop na azijski trg. Na dogodku boste dobili vse informacije, ki jih potrebujete za uspešen vstop na singapurski in kitajski trg ter kakšne so priložnosti, ki jih startup podjetjem ponujajo v okviru svojih pospeševalnikov.

Dogodek bo potekal preko spleta s pomočjo Zoom platforme. Predvidena dolžina dogodka je 60 minut + 30 minut za Q&A segment. Dogodek se bo odvijal v angleškem jeziku.

Na dogodek se lahko prijavite preko spodnje povezave:

NAMEN DOGODKA: To better serve overseas projects, help European entrepreneurs land better in China, seek more business opportunities, find more cost-effective suppliers and raise more fund. We will hold an industry landing workshop for start-ups and SMEs in Europe, aiming to promote the industrial landing of European projects and promote friendly exchanges between the various project parties.


  1. Introduction of partners
  2. The procedures of foreign enterprises landing
    • Classification of foreign enterprises under the Chinese legal system
    • Regulatory provisions for the application, transfer and management of intellectual property rights of foreign enterprises
    • The development of foreign-funded enterprises in China needs to adapt to China’s local customs and culture
    • How foreign-funded enterprises pay taxes in accordance with China’s legal framework
    • What do I as a startup or SME need to specifically be careful about or pay attention to?
  3. China’s current policy on overseas investment and technology start-ups
    • What China has done to welcome overseas start-ups and SMEs to invest
    • How does an incubator/accelerator help start-ups and SMEs?
    • A CASE STUDY of a foreign start-up landing in Beijing
  4. What can WE do to help you?
  5. Question and answer session
Author: poslovniangel

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